Advanced Facilitation Training

Facilitating Through Conflict & Challenging Meeting Behaviours

7 Hours
This course is part of the Certificate Program


Ask meeting facilitators what they fear most when leading discussions and they’ll tell you – conflict especially with having to manage challenging behaviours. Not being able to manage difficult personalities can often result in collaboration going off topic, other participants shutting down and, most important, not achieving the meeting’s desired results. Yet healthy disagreement helps groups or individual members see problems from new perspectives, make better decisions, and build trust.

So how can we harness the strengths of conflict while limiting damage? This workshop has been designed to directly address the sources of conflict – including you – and provide methods to prevent or facilitate through them. Explore your conflict management style, learn how to mitigate client sabotage, and practice using templates and tools to successfully deploy when conflict erupts.

All techniques and engagement strategies taught and modelled in our 2 X Half Day Virtual Delivery apply specifically to virtual meetings

Facilitating Through Conflict & Challenging Meeting Behaviors - October 24, 2022

It is excellent to have the time to reflect and learn about these skills that we use daily

Lesley Robertson, October 2022

Facilitating Through Conflict & Challenging Meeting Behaviors - March 29, 2019 - D

This program was excellent! It was extremely beneficial to my professional practices

Participant, PVNCCSB, March 2019

Facilitating Through Conflict & Challenging Meeting Behaviors - November 22 & 25, 2019 - A

Fantastic session! Did not think I’d learn as much as I did as I’m quite experienced at facilitation

Participant,WestJet, November 2019

Facilitating Through Conflict & Challenging Meeting Behaviors - April 23, 2018 - C

It was a very good workshop, I would recommend to others

Participant, YRDB, April 2018

Facilitating Through Conflict & Challenging Meeting Behaviors - October 23, 2019

Training was excellent! I highly recommend to anyone who runs/leads meetings

Participant, October 2019


  • Understand the facilitator’s responsibilities for managing/minimizing conflict in meetings
  • Know your own conflict style, how it affects group interactions and why a facilitator should target a collaborative
  • Review the facilitator core practices and the impact of neutrality in conflict management
  • Learn how to start, structure, and engage during meetings to prevent conflict
  • Practice in developing targeted norms and refereeing broken norms
  • Gain clarity on the intervention continuum, the types of interventions and when to use them
  • Know and use the two-step language of intervention
  • Be able to identify the many forms of resistance and the four steps for facilitating through resistance
  • Receive personal feedback and coaching from a ‘Master’ meeting facilitator and learning peers
  • Practice new tools in a safe environment

Anyone who facilitates groups where conflict, resistance or challenging behaviours arise:

  • Project Leaders
  • Human Resources Professionals
  • Stakeholder Engagement Professionals
  • Business Improvement or IT Consultants
  • Committee Chairs
  • Internal Consultants or Team Leaders

Facilitating Meetings With Ease or Facilitating Meetings That Work (or comparable foundation facilitation skills training)

  • A Participant Workbook filled with templates, reminders and methods you can refer to when applying new skills in your meetings
  • Certificate of Completion

It is excellent to have the time to reflect and learn about these skills that we use daily

Lesley Robertson, October 2022

This program was excellent! It was extremely beneficial to my professional practices

Participant, PVNCCSB, March 2019

Fantastic session! Did not think I’d learn as much as I did as I’m quite experienced at facilitation

Participant,WestJet, November 2019

It was a very good workshop, I would recommend to others

Participant, YRDB, April 2018

Training was excellent! I highly recommend to anyone who runs/leads meetings

Participant, October 2019

In-House Training
Our training is offered in-house, both virtually and in your premises.
License this Workshop
If you have large populations of staff who could benefit from this training, Facilitation First certifies in-house trainers to teach our content.
Facilitating Through Conflict & Challenging Meeting Behaviours
Date & Location
Volume Discounts: 5% off for 2-4 participants and 10% off for 5 or more participants when registered in a single transaction